你可以透過 DISM 指令看出目前的WES7系統上已經有哪些 package 在裡面了(Windows 7 FES也可以唷)
You can use the below command to see what are the packages included in your WES7 / Windows 7 image
DISM.exe /online /get-packages
進入正題,當你 download 某些 hotfix / QFE 時,會發現部分的檔案格式是 xxx.msu
若想直接透過Dism /add-package 把 xxx.msu 加入image內,是會失敗的,如下圖:
There are some .msu hotfix you download and try to install them into the image by DISM /add-package command.
You'll see the error message as screen shot
因此你必須先將.msu 轉換成 .cab ,接著再使用 DISM /add-package 將hotfix 安裝至 OS image 裡
Therefore you have to extract the contents of a .MSU file to .CAB file in order to instead the packages into Operating System
1. Create a folder (ex: C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\CAB)
2. command to extract :
Expand –F:* C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\MSU\WINDOWS6.1-KB947821-V33-X86.msu C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\CAB
你將會看到轉換出來的 .cab 檔案格式 (如下圖)
The below screen shot is the extracted .msu to CAB folder
接著只要繼續使用DISM /add-package 指令將.cab package 加入 OS即可
Then using the DISM /add-package to install the hotfix.
command to add package:
DISM.exe /online /add-package /PackagePath:C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\CAB\Windows6.1-KB947821-v33-x86.cab
成功將package 安裝後,請記得要重新開機唷
After installing successful, restart the system.
假如你想將此 package 移除,也可以透過以下指令做到
opposite, if you wanna remove the package from the Operating System, you can make it by the below command
DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Package /PackagePath:C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\CAB\Windows6.1-KB947821-v33-x86.cab